Great for sore or itchy throats
For several years now my family has used a great remedy for sore, itchy, throats and colds. In my opinion, and my grandma’s too who is a nurse, this is one of the best home remedies for a cough and cold! As the weather gets cooler in the fall, the germs start flying and flu and cold season kicks into gear, our family has come to rely on this awesome home remedy for cough and cold.
We like to have it made up ahead of time and stored in the fridge. So at the first sign ofa cold or flu for someone in our family, just scoop a few tablespoons of the mix and add hot water (or green tea) and enjoy this delicious and soothing tea. You can store it in the fridge for about two months.
This recipe contains the best things for you to fight a cold or flu naturally:
Lemons: High in vitamin C, to keep the immune system strong.
Ginger: Helps you sweat out the toxins in your body. Ginger is also helpful for settling upset stomachs, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and cold sweats.
Honey: Soothes a sore throat, making it an effective and natural cough suppressant. Honey also improves the body’s ability to fight infection and decreases the risk of fevers.
2 lemons
2 chunks of fresh ginger
Raw honey
Quart size mason jar
Slice lemons and ginger.
Place the lemon and ginger slices in the mason jar, alternating layers of each.
Slowly, pour honey over the lemon and ginger. Allow the honey to sink down and around the lemon and ginger slices. Fill jar to the top with honey and seal tightly.
Store in the refrigerator. Over time, the mixture will start to turn into a loose jelly.
When you are in need of some soothing tea, scoop 2-3 tablespoons into a mug full of hot water (or green tea) —be sure to scoop whole pieces of ginger and lemon with the honey gel. Allow to steep for 3-4 minutes and sip away.